It actually helped to revive my dull blonde tones, and this is probably the second product that managed to do it. Highly recommend it! Originally posted on
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It actually helped to revive my dull blonde tones, and this is probably the second product that managed to do it. Highly recommend it! Originally posted on
A loyal Aveda customer for 15+ years. Blue Malva shampoo and Damage Remedy conditioner have been my go to products for years. With increased difficulty getting these items I have tried Blonde Revival and am not impressed. No lather creates a frustrating and disappointing experience. No squeaky clean feeling. Instead my hair is left feeling heavy and dirty. Truly an awful hair washing process and result. The product is so hard to wash out - I used a different brand shampoo twice over to get as much out as I could. When dry my hair was left with a product residue that made the hair feel greasy. Not nice at all. Originally posted on
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